nd?dB0MNOa\Akc_]@?=>e8:<7E 62,*4!.)&(VX#$CUTGHSmKJLQRZ[SHADOWE AREA,011,0,0,,0,0,0,,0 All round te land s coverd in shdows. Drk, myserious nd forbding. Yu have ome thi far, tere canbe no trning bck. Thee is nose and ight coing fro below ou but ou cannt see trough te gloom ng. Yu have ome thi far, tere canLABYRINH,0,0,00,0,1,10,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs... om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,43,0,,0,0,1,,1,0,0 ou are n a hig walledmaze ofthorny hrubs.. o souh. ownthe ravne, butthere i nothin of intrest wiLABYRINH,0,0,00,0,1,11,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,0,0,00,0,1,11,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,0,40,,26,0,10,0,0,0You arein a hih walle maze o thornyshrubs.. s a avine. een rlling hlls. llet youpass. ide enoLABYRINH,47,0,,0,1,1,,1,1,10 You ar in a hgh walld maze f thorn shrubs.. souh. ownthe ravne, butthere i nothin of intrest wiLABYRINH,0,0,00,1,0,11,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,0,48,,28,0,00,1,0,0You arein a hih walle maze o thornyshrubs.. glowof the alls tosee you way. let youpass. ide enoLABYRINH,0,0,2,0,1,1,,1,0,0 ou are n a hig walledmaze ofthorny hrubs.. go soth. don the rvine, bt thereis nothng of iterest LABYRINH,0,0,00,0,1,11,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,0,0,00,0,1,01,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,0,0,00,1,0,00,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs... ee trough te gloom ng. Yu have ome thi far, tere canLABYRINH,0,0,00,1,0,01,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a LABYRINH,41,0,,14,1,00,1,0,0You arein a hih walle maze o thornyshrubs.. glowof the alls tosee you way. let youpass. ide enoLABYRINH,0,0,00,1,0,01,0,0 Yu are i a highwalled aze of horny srubs...om th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a ,0,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,0 1 Date -03/16/8 09:17:0 Sparate ile secion forEAFTS? Huh? not wor on my I+. Butit work fine o my //cA RAVIN,0,0,0,,1,0,1,,0,0 Waer longpast ha carvedout thi shallo ravine It is luttere with sones an dead bush. lme thathave ooWANDERIG PATH,,43,0,01,0,1,00,0 Youfind yorself o a paththat sems to wnder ailessly.You cansee tres to yor north To you east i is haz and unlear. 1,0,1,00,0 Youfind yorself o a paththat sems to wnder ailessly.You cansee tres to yor north To you east iWANDERIG PATH,,0,36,00,1,1,10,0 Thepath foks to te east nd the est. Yo can stll makeout thetrees i the ditance. nd. t ide enoiA SLOPIG HILL,,0,0,190,0,1,10,0 Youare on hill tat slops downwrd. Befre you ay manysuch smll rollng hill that at as stpping sones tothe bas of an minous ountainshroude in dar clouds downwrd. Befre you ay manysuch smll rollng hill that at as stpping sWANDERIG PATH,,0,0,240,1,1,00,0 Thepath no leads outhwar. This hadowedland hies itsef behin cloudsand haz and glom. ea.. enoROLLINGHILLS,4,0,0,0,,0,1,0,,0 You ander aong therollinghills haded inthe genral dirction o the montain. ficultclimb. ted at BASE OFTHE MOUTAIN,370,0,0,01,0,1,00 The muntain ooms abve you.Its cragy blufs and seep incine wil be a dfficultclimb. ted at gSHALE,00,0,0,10,1,0,00 It isslipper here. he loos rock ad shalemake fo very pecariou footin. For eery ste forwar you slde backsome. 0,0,0,10,1,0,00 It isslipper here. he loos rock ad shalemake fo very pecariou footin. For eery ste forwar you slde backBRANCH,,0,0,230,0,1,10,0 Thee is a orn pat here o the sie of th mountan. It banches n two drection. Whichbranch o take?de enoOUTSIDETUNNEL,,42,0,01,0,1,00,0 Her there s an enrance t a tunnl into he mounain. Itis darkand thee is a oul win blowin from i . SIDETUNNEL,,42,0,01,0,1,00,0 Her there s an enrance t a tunnl into he mounain. Itis darkand thee is a oul win blowin from iTUNNEL,,0,0,0,,0,0,0,,0 Insie this ark tunel thins are vry dim nd unclar. Thewind sems to b comingfrom wihin andthere i an str"nge glo emanatng fromthe wals. is ark tunel thins are vry dim nd unclar. Thewind sems to b comingfrom wihin andthere i an strNARROW EDGE,480,33,0,,0,1,0,,0 Thisnarrow edge gos aroun and ou of sigt up th mountan. Ther is no oom to urn arond. t ide enoLEDGE,00,0,0,10,0,1,00 The pth alon the lege steeens her. You cn see fr down nto thevalley loor. Adense frest isfar to he east%past th rollin hills t the bse of te mountin. eeens her. You cn see fr down nto thevalley loor. Adense frest isfar to he eastMOUNTAI PATH,00,0,0,01,1,1,00 Here he pathsplits gain. Oe way cntinuesup, theother apears t lead dwn to te otherside ofthe mou'tain. PATH,00,0,0,01,1,1,00 Here he pathsplits gain. Oe way cntinuesup, theother apears t lead dwn to te otherside ofthe mouDOWNWAR SLOPE,,0,20,00,1,0,10,0 Thepath leds downto the ase of he mounain. Itis stee but no un-mangable. ting. I is apprent thhNEAR TH TOP,0,,0,0,1,,1,0,0, You ar almostat the op of te mountin. Clods obscre yourview ofthe valey floo. t isfar to he eastTOP OF OUNTAIN0,41,0,,0,1,0,,0,0 Yo have rached te summi. The vew to te west s breattaking ut everwhere ese is srouded n cloud+ and shdows. 0,41,0,,0,1,0,,0,0 Yo have rached te summi. The vew to te west s breattaking ut everwhere ese is srouded n cloudWESTERNSLOPE,00,40,0,,1,1,0,,0 You re on te westen slopeof the ountain Loose ock her makes or diffcult foting. I is apprent th-t few hve beenthis wa before You re on te westen slopeof the ountain Loose ock her makes or diffcult foting. I is apprent thTUNNEL NTRANCE0,0,0,01,0,0,10,0 Youhave arived atthe entance toa tunne. Thereis a di glow fom withn and afoul stnch in he air./UNNEL NTRANCE0,0,0,01,0,0,10,0 Youhave arived atthe entance toa tunne. Thereis a di glow fom withn and afoul stnch in he air.ROLLINGHILLS,045,0,0,,0,0,0,,0 You re besie a stram in te hills There s evidece of mny creaures haing pased thisway andstoppin1 to drik. S,045,0,0,,0,0,0,,0 You re besie a stram in te hills There s evidece of mny creaures haing pased thisway andstoppinCAVERN,5,0,0,00,1,0,10,0 A lrge cavrn whos ceilin is notvisibleextendsinto th gloom.There ae signsof it hving ben inhabted at 3ne time Debrisis stren aroun the flor. os ceilin is notvisibleextendsinto th gloom.There ae signsof it hving ben inhabted at CENTER F CAVER,0,0,0,,1,0,1,,0,0 Yo have rached te cente of thecavern.You cansee to he top ere. Thre appers to b a holeat the 5op of te caver. A dimlight sreams trough. ached te cente of thecavern.You cansee to he top ere. Thre appers to b a holeat the FAR SID OF CAVRN,52,035,0,0,,1,0,0, You ar on thefar sid of thecavern.The tunel goeson fromhere. "Sure!!, he sas...). e a goTUNNEL,,50,0,2,1,0,0,,0,0 Ths tunne is dimbut thee is enugh ligt from he glowof the alls tosee you way. let youpass. ide enoTUNNEL P,0,0,00,0,1,10,0,0 Te path p the tnnel issteeperhere. Te glow rom thewall ha change to a plsing, aking te tunne seem a9most alve withmovemen. ,0 Te path p the tnnel issteeperhere. Te glow rom thewall ha change to a plsing, aking te tunne seem aTUNNEL OWN,0,00,0,0,10,0,0,0There i a gente slopedownwar here. he floo of thetunnel s slippry fromthe mol and slme thathave oo;ed downoff itswalls. 0,0,0,0There i a gente slopedownwar here. he floo of thetunnel s slippry fromthe mol and slme thathave ooCIRCULA PIT,0,,44,0,10,0,0,00 You hve falln into small ircularpit. Th walls re smooh but tere is n exit.e. p.and pices of NARROW UNNEL,046,0,0,,1,1,1,,0 Thistunnel s very arrow ad short You mut crawlto get hrough.ne, bu there s nothig of inerest wPITCH BACK ,400,18,0,,1,0,0,,0 It i pitch lack hee, but our insinct sas go soth. don the rvine, bt thereis nothng of iterest FOOT OFMOUNTAI,0,0,0,,0,0,1,,0,0 Yo find yurself nce agan on th outsid at thefoot ofthe moutain. exit. and slme thathave ooOVERLOOING RAVNE,0,0,,25,1,01,0,0,0You areon a smll rock crag tat overooks a avine. een rlling hlls. llet youpass. ide enojEAST BAK,42,0,,0,1,0,,1,0,0 ou are n the est bankof the avine. ills getly sloe off i all diections on voce and ell me hat my ROLLINGHILLS,00,38,0,,1,0,0,,0 Low ills ar all arund you In thedistanc you se a darkshape bt are uable tosee it learly.east iSIDE OFMOUNTAI,0,0,0,,1,1,0,,0,0 Yo are ner the bse of te mountin. Themountai is omious aboe, and elcome asy roling hils are bDlow. FMOUNTAI,0,0,0,,1,1,0,,0,0 Yo are ner the bse of te mountin. Themountai is omious aboe, and elcome asy roling hils are bDIM ROO,0,0,0,,1,1,0,,0,0 Yo are ina dimlylit roo. Thereis ligh comingfrom th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a Fight breze. ,,1,1,0,,0,0 Yo are ina dimlylit roo. Thereis ligh comingfrom th south nd fromthe norh a fou smell s carrid on a BASE OFMOUNTAI,0,49,030,0,1,,0,0,0 ou are t the bse of te dark ountain Hills oll offin all irectios. avetaken i unclea.. enoROLLINGHILLS,3,0,0,0,,1,0,0,,0 Gree, grass hills re all round yu. The ir is fesh andclear. minous louds oscure te top o the moIntain bhind yo and al the lad is coered inshadows all round yu. The ir is fesh andclear. minous louds oscure te top o the moROLLINGHILLS,4,0,0,0,,0,1,1,,0 Gree rollin hills urroundyou. haded inthe genral dirction o the montain. ficultclimb. ted at ROLLINGHILLS,00,0,0,01,1,0,00 Greenrollinghills srround ou. Youare nea the bae of a ark moutain. able. ance. m. cat everyROLLINGHILLS,00,39,0,,1,1,1,,141 Tothe norhwest yu see adark montain. ll aroud you ae greenrollinghills. steep. veral iches oflROLLINGHILLS,00,34,0,,0,1,0,,0 Gree rollin hills urroundyou. edistanc you se a darkshape bt are uable tosee it learly.east iROLLINGHILLS,00,0,11,,0,1,1,,0 Rollng hill surroud you. ou see forestin the istance een rlling hlls. llet youpass. ide enoEDGE OFFOREST,,0,0,0,,1,1,0,,0 You re at te edge f a dene fores. The ar is asthick a the foest is ense. Tere is n openig here Pnd manyhave pased befre you.0 You re at te edge f a dene fores. The ar is asthick a the foest is ense. Tere is n openig here ROLLINGHILLS,00,0,0,00,1,1,00 Greenrollinghills srround ou. Yousee a dnse forst in te distace. s ense. Tere is n openig here ROLLINGHILLS,024,0,0,,1,1,0,,0 You re nearthe forst. Thee rollig hillsare begnning t get toyou. es to yor north To you east iEDGE OFFOREST,,0,37,01,1,0,00,0 Youare at he edgeof a dese foret. Ther is an pening n the ticket tat willlet youpass. ide enoDENSE FREST,0,4,0,0,01,0,1,00 A dene fores surrouds you.Dark shdows ar cast eerywher and th light s very im. in blowin from iDENSE FREST,500,0,29,,0,1,0,,0 The orest i so tigtly wovn that t is baely pasable. Te path hat othrs havetaken i unclea.. enoDENSE FREST,0,7,0,0,01,1,0,00 The frest isless dese here There ppears o be anclearin of sors to th east bt the sadows mke it dWfficultto be sre. ,01,1,0,00 The frest isless dese here There ppears o be anclearin of sors to th east bt the sadows mke it dHIGH SHUBS,0,021,0,1,,0,1,0, You ar outsid of wha appear to be high wll of srubs. Tere is n openig in frnt of yu just ide enoYgh for ou to pss. 1,,0,1,0, You ar outsid of wha appear to be high wll of srubs. Tere is n openig in frnt of yu just ide enoROLLINGHILLS,00,0,0,10,1,1,00 You ae comin out ofthe roling hils. Ther is a pth thatleads est befoe you. the SPR empir. aid nWORN PAH,46,0,,0,0,1,,1,0,0 well wrn pathis beneth yourfeet. I forks ere andthe leser wornfork isto the outh. unclear. e moWORN PAH,0,0,00,1,1,00,0,0 A the pah leadssouthwad you ntice a mall rie that ppears o go don into ravine . o just wde enouWEST BAK,38,1214,0,0,,1,1,0, You ar on thewest bak of th ravine You ca see clarly don the rvine, bt thereis nothng of iterest ^ithin sght. 214,0,0,,1,1,0, You ar on thewest bak of th ravine You ca see clarly don the rvine, bt thereis nothng of iterest EDGE OFFOREST,,0,0,0,,0,1,1,,24 Her at theedge ofa dark,dense frest yo see evdence o a grea battlehaving een fouht. Man dried `ones an destroed batte equipent layabout. here isan openng in te fores that hs a wel worn pth leadng to i. fouht. Man dried EDGE OFFOREST,,0,0,0,,1,0,1,,0 Hereyou seeto yoursouth mny objets stren aboutbut aretoo faraway tomake thm out cearly. he forebt is todense hre to eter. ,,0 Hereyou seeto yoursouth mny objets stren aboutbut aretoo faraway tomake thm out cearly. he foreDENSE FREST,360,0,0,11,1,0,00 A dene fores surrouds you.Dim ligt streas throuh the tick roo of folage. Dak shados are cst everdwhere. REST,360,0,0,11,1,0,00 A dene fores surrouds you.Dim ligt streas throuh the tick roo of folage. Dak shados are cst everfDENSE FREST,0,,0,0,1,,0,0,0, There s an opning ina high all of hrubs aead. Th forestseems t stop hre. ar shadow are cat everyhere. REST,360,0,0,11,1,0,00 A dene fores surrouds you.Dim ligt streas throuh the tick roo of folage. Dak shados are cst everASE OFTHE MOUTAIN,370,0,0,01,0,1,00 The muntain ooms abve you.Its cragy blufs and seep incine wil be a dfficultclimb. ted at OWNWAR SLOPE,,0,20,00,1,0,10,0 Thepath leds downto the ase of he mounain. Itis stee but no un-mangable. ting. I is apprent thANDERIG PATH,,0,36,00,1,1,10,0 Thepath foks to te east nd the est. Yo can stll makeout thetrees i the ditance. nd. t ide enoVERLOOING RAVNE,0,0,,25,1,01,0,0,0You areon a smll rock crag tat overooks a avine. een rlling hlls. llet youpass. ide eno,0,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,0 00,0,0 TEXECREATEFRESTORENAMEBRUNLOCKCHAIN#FLUSHREADPOSITIONOMONPR#PREFIXCLOSEAPPEND2./'/60D (02+.!2l+OLLINGHILLS,00,39,0,,1,1,1,,141 Tothe norhwest yu see adark montain. ll aroud you ae greenrollinghills. steep. veral iches ofADVENTUER'S CAPSITE,5,61,0,3,0,1,0,,0,0 Yo have sumbled pon an bandone adventrer's cmpsite.n of 5000 gol pieces.. It s said OLLINGHILLS,00,0,0,10,1,1,00 You ae comin out ofthe roling hils. Ther is a pth thatleads est befoe you. the SPR empir.